Upland Exploration Inc.

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Upland Exploration Inc. has retained The Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse to sell certain producing assets in multiple fields in western Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle in a negotiated transaction. The package includes 80 nonoperated proved developed producing wells in Wheeler County, Texas, and Caddo, Roger Mills, Beckham, Washita, Kiowa, Comanche, Stephens and Latimer counties, Oklahoma. Estimated gross production is 4,000 barrels of oil and 95 million cubic feet of gas per day (76 barrels and 3.3 million cubic feet net). Multiple targets include the Granite Wash, Marmaton, Cherokee, Atoka, Morrow and Springer formations. Offset operators are actively drilling horizontal wells in the Granite Wash play. Upside potential includes behind-pipe reserves and 66 additional drilling locations. The bid due date will be in late February. The effective date is March 1. Contact Verna Ray, 832-601-7662, vray@ogclearinghouse.com.