Marketed: Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. Sabine Lake Opportunity

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Estimated Price

Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. retained EnergyNet for the sale of a three-well package located in Cameron Parish, La. The Lot# 102204 includes an operated interest in three wells and one SWD, plus approximately 473 net leasehold acres.


  • Operated Working Interest in 3 Wells:
    • Avg. ~62.17% WI / Avg. ~44.66% NRI (BPO)
    • Operator: Samuel Gary Jr. & Associates Inc.
  • 6-Month Average (May 2022 - October 2022)
    • 8/8ths Production: 342 BOPD and 5,149 MCFPD
    • Net Production: 116 BOPD and 2,350 MCFPD
    • Net Income: $841,504/Month
  • ~473.00 Net Leasehold Acres
  • Operator Bond Required

Bids are due at 4:00 p.m. CDT on Feb. 9. For complete due diligence information on this property, please visit or email Ethan House, managing director, at