Scottish Development International wants to help energy-services firms expand into Scotland. The quasi-public agency-it is funded with public and private pounds but operates privately-aims to encourage non-Scottish businesses, especially ones that offer higher-dollar jobs, with locating in the motherland of golf. "U.S. companies that may have a technological innovation or are high-tech-those are the kinds of companies we're looking at working with," says Lorna Jack, director, Americas, for SDI. Jack is based in Stanford, Connecticut. The agency offers incubation facilities to nascent U.S. operations in Scotland as well as to fledgling Scottish-firm expansions into the U.S. In luring higher-dollar jobs to Scotland, the country has revised its tax law to make research and development spending a 100% write-off. Jack was in Houston recently with executives of several Scottish firms that are looking to establish a presence in Houston. SDI can be reached in Connecticut at 203-325-8525 or