Marketed: Four Corners Central Basin Platform Asset Packages

Transaction Type
Permian Basin; Central Basin Platform
Announce Date
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Room Opening Date
Estimated Price

The following information is provided by Detring Energy Advisors LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to Detring. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Four Corners Petroleum II LLC retained Detring Energy Advisors LLC to market for sale of Central Basin Platform asset packages within the Permian. The offering includes oil and gas leasehold, royalty and related assets located in Ward and Winkler counties, Texas, in two sub-packages: working interest and royalties.

Detring said the assets offer an opportunity to acquire durable, high-margin cash flow due to efficient operations and advantaged marketing agreements; a differentiated investment portfolio that strikes an optimal balance between concentration risk and operational scope; and a turn-key operational platform to serve as a base for additional development expansion.

Process Summary:

  • Evaluation materials available via the Virtual Data Room on Nov. 4
  • Proposals due on Dec. 9
  • Bids will be requested by package (Working Interest and Royalties) with preference given to offers for the combined position

For information visit or contact Melinda Faust at or 512-296-4653.