Anschutz Exploration Corp.

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The following information is provided by EnergyNet. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to EnergyNet. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Anschutz Exploration Corp. retained EnergyNet for the sale of multiple properties in various counties across Montana, North Dakota, New York, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming.

The offer, being handled as an auction, includes overriding royalty interest in 238 properties with multiple wells.

Property Highlights:

  • 12.225% to 0.000732% Overriding Royalty Interest in 238 Properties (Multiple Wells):
    • 214 Producing Properties | 18 Non-Producing Properties
    • Four Shut-In Wells | Two Notice of Intent to Abandon Wells
    • 31 Wells Newly Producing or Currently in Confidential Status
  • Current Average 8/8ths Production: 20,546 barrels per day of Oil and 40.562 million cubic per day of Gas
  • Total O&G Revenue—Sales Period January 2018 thru July 2018: $197,548
    • Total Average O&G Revenue—Sales Period January 2018 thru July 2018: $28,221 per Month
    • Estimated Monthly Revenue for New Wells or Confidential Status Wells: $30,822 per Month
  • Select Operators include Burlington Resources Oil & Gas Co., Continental Resources Inc., Hess Bakken Investments II LLC, Petro-Hunt LLC, Whiting Oil and Gas Corp. and XTO Energy Inc.

Bids close at 2:35 p.m. CST Feb. 21. For complete due diligence information or email Ryan Dobbs, vice president of business development, at, or Denna Arias, director transactions and business development, at