If these photos could talk, they would say that photo editor Lowell Georgia has been an avid and enthusiastic chronicler of the oil and gas industry for 30 years. He always has a keen eye for detail and shoots from unusual vantage points, while remaining ever mindful of the story each photograph must convey. Each photo is part of the big picture, but also must stand on its own.

Since 1981, Lowell has helped this magazine, which he co-founded, in countless ways. First and foremost are the photos, but just as important is the sage advice that comes from a lifetime of following the oil patch all over the world—and sitting in on hundreds—perhaps thousands—of interviews.

The September issue will be Lowell's last shoot for the magazine, as he is retiring. Our 30th Anniversary issue, however, seemed the best time to say thanks and recognize his tremendous contribution to Oil and Gas Investor. On behalf of all the editors, publishers and other staff members who have worked with him through the years, we thank him for his commitment to excellence and constant friendship, for hiking through snow, trudging through deserts and hanging out of helicopter windows. It wasn't hardship—he loved it. We and our readers have loved the results.